What to do all day with a newborn?
Mums and Dads, we will suggest some of the activities you could do comfortably with your child, to make him feel protected, loved and to create a beautiful harmony with him, and as a family:
During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a series of physiological changes: the increase in maternal blood volume for adequate blood flow to the placenta requires sufficient hydration (about eight glasses of water during the day).
On top of that, the heat could be potentially annoying, following the kilos gained which create a "blanket" effect, and could also be a cause of dehydration. Through sweating, there is a higher risk of loss of liquids and mineral salts, precious for the
Antony Cummins, How to be a Modern Samurai
For centuries, the Japanese Samurai have been the undisputed leaders of their society, managing to maintain this role thanks to an iron will, emotional control and the ability to cohere and form clans. Nowadays, in a society focused on immediate pleasures and the fulfilment of one's passions, the Way of the Samurai is a challenging path to follow, but certainly one that can give immense gratification to anyone who decides to undertake it. A manual
What kind of pain are contractions?
They are abdominal spasms very similar to the pains one may experience before or during the menstrual cycle and serve to prepare the uterus for delivery. Not all women feel them, but they are very common, especially towards the last weeks of pregnancy.
Where are contractions felt?
They start from the bottom of the uterus and propagate downwards, towards the pubis: they are a physiological phenomenon that occurs during pregnancy and consists of an abrupt