The unique and special characteristic of childbirth pain is its intermittent rhythm. The first contractions can already be felt during pregnancy, occasionally and normally without pain: in this way both the woman's body and the baby's body become familiar with this sensation, which during labour and birth will be much more intense.
How much does natural childbirth hurt?
The pain of childbirth is almost always present, but the perception of pain is very subjective and personal. Moreover, the intensity can also be different in the same woman who gives birth several times (e.g. generally the second birth is less demanding and painful than the first).
How to counteract pain during childbirth?
To counteract pain, different and complementary natural methods can be used, without contraindications (learning how to relax and breath to reduce pain or using Gas and air (Entonox)), or drugs (analgesic childbirth). Every woman has the right to choose between the various options. Talk to your gynaecologist or midwife in good time.