What to do to calm preparatory or isolated contractions?
When to go to hospital with contractions?
Contractions will become more regular and closer together, last about a minute, occur
In the first few days after birth, milk has a more or less intense yellow; this precious first milk is called colostrum and has a 'creamy' consistency than the milk we would expect to see.
After about three to five days it becomes whiter, more liquid and more abundant.
Colostrum is produced in very small amounts, the physiological amounts for your newborn baby's tummy.
Colostrum contains all the nourishment your baby needs, provides him/her with protection against infection and stimulates
The postpartum period is very delicate for a woman who can experience two different situations:
Most mothers experience the so-called 'baby blues', i.e. an emotional instability that affects the woman immediately after childbirth, in the days after childbirth even up to a few weeks after childbirth, and which normally disappears after a couple of weeks. The woman feels: