First of all, dear mothers-to-be, let's dispel a false myth: it's not true that you need to eat for two during pregnancy... if anything, you need to eat twice as well!
Excessive weight gain could create problems both during pregnancy and at the time of giving birth. However, a gradual increase in weight is physiological, and a sign that everything is going well. Get advice and follow-up from a midwife to follow this trend, especially if you have problems swallowing food or liquids or have pre-existing medical conditions (e.g. diabetes).
So here are some suggestions:
- hydrate abundantly: drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, herbal teas or infusions but minimise sugary or stimulating drinks such as coffee (no more than 200 mg per day) or tea ... unless indicated by the midwife;
- reduce the amount of sugar, preferably choose cane sugar;
- completely avoid the intake of alcoholic beverages;
- follow a normal diet, based on a simple, varied, balanced diet, low in fat (especially of animal origin);
- preferably season with raw extra virgin olive oil;
- minimise salt intake;
- eat oilseeds (hazelnuts, almonds, dates) or avocado once a day a varied intake of meat (well cooked and avoid the liver, to decrease the risk of toxoplasmosis), fish (well cooked, avoid the consumption of large fish, because they could contain a high amount of mercury), legumes, eggs (well cooked, to avoid the risk of salmonella), leafy vegetables, fruit, cereals (bread, pasta, rice, barley) and potatoes;
- preferably choose cereals or wholemeal flours (rich in fibres that help in case of constipation);
avoid dinners that are too abundant, foods that are too elaborate, fried and fatty: a diet that is too rich in carbohydrates (sugars, bread, pasta, etc.) can favour the onset of diabetes in already predisposed subjects; - never miss fruit and vegetables: at least five portions of fruit/vegetables a day, even as a snack, possibly in season and well washed, trying to vary and choose fresh fruit (also for juices and smoothies and avoiding packaged fruit juices). Fruits and vegetables are a great help in case of constipation;
- choose two-three portions a day of unsweetened low-fat milk or yoghurt or vegetable drinks (for example soy, rice or almonds); yoghourt is also excellent as a snack;
avoid unpasteurized/semi-pasteurized cheeses.
You may feel full earlier than usual and feel hungry all of a sudden. Try to follow your body (perhaps "tricking" it with healthy snacks) and try to eat less and more often, if this makes you digest better or helps you stay healthy.