Jessica Alezander - Iben Sandahl, The Danish Way of Parenting: What the Happiest People in the World Know about Raising Confident, Capable Kids, Tarcherperigee, 2016
In this 'little revolutionary handbook' as they call it, the authors reveal the secret of people's, and therefore children's, happiness, which depends on the way in which parents and children relate to each other and on the empathy and ability of adults to offer tools and instructions without placing ultimatums on the little ones.
Jesper Juul, Your Competent Child: Toward New Basic Values for the Family, Farrar Straus & Giroux, 2001
The child is born 'competent' and already has notions, values and evaluation criteria that concretely orient his experience. Commonly, on the other hand, one behaves with him as if he were a kind of tabula rasa on which parents have to imprint the knowledge necessary for regular human and social development.
Juul invites us to a careful observation of the child, of every child, considering
Read more: Your Competent Child: Toward New Basic Values for the Family
First month
It is almost impossible to pinpoint when fertilisation happens exactly, which then initiates your pregnancy. Therefore, the first week of gestation would be considered the last week of your last period.
The already fertilised embryo (your future baby) is on its way to the uterus and implants itself there about 7-9 days after ovulation. At this stage, the embryo is 6-8 days old. Thus begins the release of the hormone beta-hCG, which is the hormone detected by pregnancy tests.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as cot death, is the sudden, unexplained death of an infant aged between one month and one year. This remains unexplained even after a thorough investigation, including a detailed examination of the circumstances and location of the death, a review of the medical history and a full autopsy.
It peaks between 2 and 4 months of age, especially in the winter period, and is rarer after 6 months. In the first month, SUEND (Sudden Unexpected Early