Below are some indications about the quantities of certain foods, which should be presented to children at the age of 6 to 9 months. These are quantities to be considered spread over the entire day:
Does breastfeeding require a special diet?
By following your own tastes, you can maintain a healthy, balanced diet that makes you
well. It is not necessary to exclude particular foods.
Below are some general guidelines:
- try to have a regular diet, do not skip meals; in fact, have several snacks during the day;
- adopt a balanced and varied diet: you should take in about 500 extra calories (don't eat for two!), varying between meat, fish, eggs and legumes combined with cereals; don't neglect
Here are the signs that, if present, indicate that everything is going well:
- once you return home from the birth, the baby wakes up for meals at least 8 times in 24 hours and clearly lets you know that he or she is hungry;
- the baby normally excretes little concentrated urine in the first few days, particularly before the mother's milk supply arrives. Urine, however, will be clear, abundant, 6 or more times a day after day 5;
- the stools, which were dark in the very first few days, have taken
Dear mothers, if you know that there are predispositions to allergies in our family, talk to your paediatrician who will be able to advise you on which foods to avoid or which to introduce at different times [learn more about allergies].
In general, there are certain foods that are considered potentially allergenic, including:
There is evidence that