Early Years Parental Coach (0-6 years old) // Coach Genitoriale Prima Infanzia (0-6 anni)

beautiful mother breastfeeding baby young woman breast feeding her newborn baby 494619 4465

Once breastfeeding has commenced and "engaged", it is easier for you and your baby to leave your house and live a fulfilling social life because you can breastfeed outside the home anywhere: at a restaurant, at the beach, during a trip (even by plane Indeed, it is recommended to put the baby to the breast or give him a dummy during take-off and landing to relax him and reduce the effects of cabin pressure that could annoy his ears)...
All you need to go out is: a change of nappies, clothes, (necessary for milk, if artificial)… and your determination!

Don't feel inadequate if you need a few days (or weeks… or more) to feel comfortable in your new condition as a mother (and maybe even a breastfeeding mum). Take your time but don't give up: you have the right to regain possession of your private, partnership and social life too. Every day, try to take a "step further" and remember that you are not alone and what you are experiencing is a storm of emotions and hormones... that all mothers have or are experiencing in their own way.

During breastfeeding you can also resume doing many of the activities you used to do before being pregnant or giving birth:

  • light physical activity and moderate sporting activity;
  • dye your hair, if you wish;
  • resume your sexual life, maybe choosing a contraceptive method which, on the advice of a health
  • professional, is suitable for you and your partner (no, breastfeeding is not a contraceptive method!)

…in short, you can do anything that can help you regain your identity as a woman!