The WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months. It is also important to carry on breastfeeding (even if in less quantity) even after the introduction of complementary foods (at the beginning of the weaning process, you can give your milk as a supplement at the end of each meal and slowly decrease the quantity), up to two years of age and beyond, and in any case as long as mother and child so desire.
One of the reasons why WHO and the NHS value breastfeeding is because at birth a child needs to be protected and cared for and can find this at the breast:
- warmth (mother's milk doesn’t need to be heated, but produces health and pleasure, stimulating its intake);
- safety (it does not expire or cannot be contaminated by bacteria, requiring sterilisation);
- well-being, and love;
- protection (mother's milk is rich in antibodies which strengthen your child’s immune defences);
- comfort ( recognizes your scent that welcomed him in the amniotic sac for the previous nine months);
- nourishment (the mother's brain, through biochemical signals, modifies the composition of her milk to respond to the baby's needs, adapted to its growth).
Breastfeeding can be the best choice for many mothers also because it is the physiological continuation of the relationship that was created between you and your child during pregnancy. However, whatever breastfeeding choice reflects you and your baby's needs, try to live this moment serenely, because it is a moment full of emotions, which creates an intense bond, helping you and your baby to get to know each other and grow.However, dear new mother, breastfeeding is a natural action ... but at the same time it is normal that there are mothers who cannot or do not want to breastfeed. Remember: breastfeeding is your right, but it must not become an obligation!
Therefore, if you find it difficult to choose which type of milk to give to your child or if once you decide to breastfeed you find yourself in difficulty or it hurts... contact your paediatrician or midwife to support you.
Also ask your paediatrician for advice on choosing formula milk: every child has different needs regarding the quantity and composition of formula milk needed.