It is good practice to introduce a new food every three or four days and observe the child's reaction, whether it is liking it or showing possible "troubles" or allergies [learn more about allergies].
If a food is not appreciated, it is essential not to force its intake and try to propose it again in a different way, preferably after a few days (for example: if the boiled carrot has been proposed without success, you can try to present it in combination with another welcome vegetable or as a
Read more: Weaning: what foods to introduce? when and how to introduce them?
The correct position of attachment to the breast has some well recognisable characteristics:
We talk about weaning when you start introducing other foods in your baby's diet in addition to milk (whether it's mother's milk or formula).
It is an important and delicate moment in your child's physiological growth which also affects the emotional and psychological areas (of the child himself and of his parents, aslearn more about weaning well).
From a physiological point of view: