Early Years Parental Coach (0-6 years old) // Coach Genitoriale Prima Infanzia (0-6 anni)

Labour is the set of phenomena that lead to the birth of your baby and the expulsion of the placenta. Every labour and birth follow their own course and there is no general rule for all women.
The duration is also very variable and depends from woman to woman.
Labour occurs when the hypothalamus of the foetus, ‘in dialogue’ with the mother's body, sends signals of its maturity to the placenta and, through hormonal stimuli travelling in the amniotic fluid, induces maternal hormone production.

Normal labour usually begins within two weeks (before or after) of the expected date of delivery. In the case of the first pregnancy, labour usually lasts an average of 12-18 h; subsequent labour is often shorter, averaging 6-8 h.

The symptoms of the onset of labour are listed below. The approach of the moment is indicated by specific premonitory signs:

  • the possible discharge of mucous-gelatinous vaginal discharge (mucous plug).
    How to recognise mucous plug leakage? The loss of the mucus plug is easy to recognise, since there is an abundant discharge of clear yellowish mucus with a gelatinous appearance, which may also have small amounts of blood.
  • an increase in the frequency of uterine contractions, which become more rhythmic with regular intervals of 3-4 minutes, which gradually decrease and may be accompanied by painful sensations (pain in the lower abdomen or back).

    These are the symptoms of labour, at which point the woman should present herself at the birth centre where she has decided to give birth, for admission.

How many hours of labour can one go through?
The duration of labour is generally longer (about 12-14 hours but can vary from woman to woman) when it is the first child, otherwise it does not exceed 7 hours. Generally, the less intense the contractions, the longer the duration of labour.

What can you do during labour?
Walking, assuming positions that take weight off the back, and standing so as to use gravity to help the baby descend through the pelvis, are all well-documented methods effective in speeding up the progress of labour and pain management.

How do you breathe during contractions?
In the initial phase of labour, relax and breathe deeply.
To make your breathing effective, push on your diaphragm concentrating your thrust on your lower abdomen. So, first inhale at the level of the diaphragm and then exhale during the push, to help the perineum relax as well.

How far do you dilate per hour?
Normal labour proceeds with one centimetre of dilation per hour.

How long does a contraction last on average?
In the early stages of labour, a contraction lasts 15-20 seconds. It is advisable to go to hospital when contractions occur about 5-10 minutes apart and when they last about 40-50 seconds.

What can the father-to-be do during labour?
Men can (indeed: should) ask the midwife personal questions even before the birth in order to be aware of what is happening. In this way they support the mother-to-be during labour.